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Time-Tested Money Management Strategies

As we grow up, what we learn about money from our parents can significantly influence how we earn, save, and grow our wealth. Meaghan, an elementary school teacher, credits her mother for her healthy approach to finances today. “I was lucky to grow up understanding that I could control my financial future if I was […]

Preparing for Retirement? Learn How RRIFs Work

If you’ve been contributing to a pension or Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and retirement or your 71st birthday is around the corner, you’re required to convert that nest egg into a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). This benefits you because an RRIF allows you to withdraw savings as income while still letting you grow […]

Does Buy and Hold Still Work?

As an investment strategy, “Buy and Hold” is just what it sounds like: you buy an investment and hold it for an extended period, riding out market fluctuations and selling when the price reaches your target. The underlying logic of this strategy is that investments tend to gain value over time. That long-term gain, along […]

Will You Put Your Parents’ Retirement at Risk?

When Sarah graduated from university and got her first job as a regional sales rep, her parents bought her a car to ensure she’d have a reliable vehicle for the travelling her new position would require. Sadly, only weeks after receiving this generous gift, Sarah hit black ice while driving and lost control. Fortunately, she […]

Caring For Aging Parents

Today, 28% of Canadians provide some form of unpaid caregiving to relatives or family friends. Seniors make up the largest group of those requiring this type of care. The evolving concern is that 65+ is one of Canada’s fastest-growing segments and is expected to double over the next 20 years.1 This is a result of […]

Planning Ahead During Uncertain Times

As some provinces head into a second COVID-19 lockdown, some people are asking the question: Why bother investing for the long term? For many, especially Millennials, the task of building financial wealth and security looks increasingly hopeless. Even the most prudent small business owners were caught short during the lock down in the spring and […]

Why You Should Choose a Financial Advisor

There are common misconceptions about the value of working with a financial advisor. Some believe you have to be rich to be worthy of financial advice. Others take a DIY approach, believing that online resources will guide their needs. Some people feel that they are too young, too old, or too much in debt to […]

Planning to Protect Your Legacy

Your estate is everything you own today – your home, savings, investments, life insurance and personal possessions. So, no matter where you may be on your financial journey, you have an estate that needs protecting. But how you approach this plan is important. Julie decided to save money by purchasing a “legal will kit” online. […]

Your TFSA in 2021. What Can You Contribute?

When it comes to flexible investment tools, there’s nothing quite like a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). This registered account allows you to hold not just savings but also investment equities like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and GICs. All of your investments grow tax-free in a TFSA. What’s even better? You’re not taxed when you make […]

Post-Holiday Debt? You’re Not Alone

“This is the last time I’m starting a new year saddled with credit card debt,” says Tiffany, a 48-year-old computer analyst. “I’ve said this every January for the past five years. This year, I’ve got to keep this promise to myself. I don’t want to spend another 12 months catching up, only to fall behind […]

Helping Adult Children Buy A Home

With the average price of a home in Canada 1 costing roughly $530,000 in 2020 , it’s getting harder for first-time buyers to enter the market. This is likely why a growing number of parents are stepping up to help their adult children purchase a home. While it’s admirable to offer this level of support […]

Is Inflation Missing?

Many commentators are expecting increased inflation in the coming months as Central Banks globally have ramped up their money creation efforts in response to the increased market volatility last March. There are different types of inflation, but most people have experienced price inflation, whereby excess demand is met by rising prices. The next round of […]

Holiday Spending Strategies

The holiday season is a time for connection and giving, but it can also be costly. According to PwC Canada’s 2019 Holiday Outlook report1, Canadians spent an average of $1593 on holiday shopping last year. As this year’s present buying season begins, here are some helpful tips that could help you avoid overspending and taking […]

Protect Yourself From Scams

According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, 45,000 Canadians lost more than $96 million to online and telephone scams in 20191. These stats are rising dramatically in our post-COVID reality. In April 2020 alone, there were 6566 reports and 2317 victims defrauded of over $8.3 million. The isolation and anxiety brought about by the global pandemic […]

A State of Financial Wellness

Money has long been the number one stressor for many Canadians, and there’s no doubt that COVID has magnified this reality. It has upended jobs, security, health and financial stability for people across the country. Millions of Canadians are struggling to cover their bills. In March of 2020, 49% of Canadians were just $200 from […]

Simple Strategies To Save On Your Mortgage

Buying a house is usually the most significant investment decision anyone ever makes. Owning a house also tends to have an outsized impact on a person’s overall financial strategy during their lifetime. Buying wisely and choosing the right debt strategy can get you mortgage-free faster. By just following a few simple strategies, you could live […]

Moving For a New Job? Consider the Costs

A job change is no longer just about higher pay or a better title. It can also be about achieving a healthier life balance or simply trying something new. In many cases, a new job includes relocating to a new community. A new opportunity can be very exciting, but even the most positive change comes […]

When Volatility Arrives, Optimism is Key!

The focus here is on you as an investor! What do you bring to the table in terms of investment experience and personal temperament (emotions) that impacts your investment returns and satisfaction while building your nest egg?   October is a seasonal time of the year when investment markets often decline as part of a […]

Put Your Eggs In Many Baskets

When their investment savings plummeted in the 2001 stock market crash, Adam and Sonya were concerned, but not panicked. Retirement was a long way out, so they had plenty of time to recover. The couple decided to try their hand at ‘timing the market’ (buying and selling stocks based on expected market fluctuations) to recover […]

Leaving a Legacy

Recently retired Ross and Penny have an estate planning challenge. They’ve accumulated a comfortable net worth, with a good portion of it in liquid investments. They plan to leave everything to their three adult children, but they also want to help them financially right now. The problem is that all of their children have a […]

How Now Horatio Alger?

Horatio Alger1 was an American writer of novels about impoverished boys rising from humble backgrounds to middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage and honesty. His writings were characterized by the “rags-to-riches” narrative, which continues to have a formative effect on many entrepreneurs today.   The “rags -to-riches” theme is part of the […]

History is a Good Teacher

Like many young adults, Lindsay took what her parents had to say with a grain of salt when it came to money. A new college graduate with an entry-level job, she was more interested in spending her paycheques than saving them. Saving was for later, she thought. Life was for living. When her father raised […]

Empty Nests and New Beginnings

The term ’empty nest’ evokes different feelings for everyone. It may have happened way too fast or maybe it took far too long, but with all your children almost grown and out of the house, a new phase of your life is about to begin. As with every stage of your journey, finances will play […]

Emerging Opportunities

When pondering the financial impacts of the Covid-19 quarantine and the resulting global economic shutdown, it helps to visualize dropping a pebble in a pool of water. As any child knows, the ripples start moving away from the point of impact until they disappear across the pond and finally dissipate, and the waters return to […]

This Advice Could Save You a Fortune

Most people mistakenly believe that they will never fall victim to financial or identity theft. The sad reality is that billions of dollars are lost each year to these crimes, and the losses are only getting bigger. Here are some steps you can take to reduce your chances of becoming a fraud victim:   Keep […]

Many Canadians Unaware of Retirement Needs

It appears that while many Canadians faithfully invest funds into their workplace retirement plans they are somewhat lackadaisical when it comes to determining their retirement needs as well as measuring their progress towards those needs.   In a survey conducted by Ipsos Reid in February 2015*, it was found that only 50 percent of Canadians […]

Bathtub Economics Explained

The fastest market correction in history, that started in the last week of February and bottomed in late March, led to the fastest bounce back over a five-week period, since about 1987 1. However, at the time of this writing, most of the major market indexes are still below their February 2020 peaks levels.   […]

Your Financial Future

Much of what we do today is to improve our future financial position. As with anything, we can get better results by following a plan. This is why both an Estate Plan and a Financial Strategy are important for those who want to ensure better tomorrows for ourselves and our families.   A Financial Strategy […]

Feel Good Tax Relief

Carl and Cathy are well aware of the substantial tax advantages of making charitable contributions as well as the good feeling they get by helping their favorite charity. In addition to their annual contributions, they would like to bequeath more substantial amounts to their chosen charity in their wills. Some of their more affluent friends […]

Canada: True North Strong and Free – Together

Over the past several weeks, provinces across Canada have relaxed social distancing rules and begun the process of “re-opening” for business. Looking back over the past three months, while there have been many moments of stress and anxiety, there have also been moments to be thankful. What is there to be thankful about?   First, […]