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Asset Building Strategies

In the last article Sue had a capital shortfall of $400,000 in order to support her desired retirement lifestyle. This amount will vary for each individual and will be larger or smaller depending upon your income, age and ability to save money as a percentage of your earned income.   Broadly speaking there are only […]

How to Pay Less Tax With Life Insurance

Ray had thought of his life insurance purely as a protection plan. The anti-avoidance rules and general restriction of tax benefits applicable to most shelters prompted him to take a new look at his life insurance for tax deferral as well.   A type of policy, called Universal Life, separates the cost of insurance and […]

Integrated Investment Management Can Save Taxes

High net worth investors are now sitting back and enjoying the summer weather, breathing a sigh of relief now that they are done with their annual tax filings. The work involved in assembling all of the relevant tax information is made more complicated by the fact they often deal with several investment firms.   U.S. […]

Volatile Economy = Investor Fatigue

Investors are becoming increasingly exhausted trying to follow the seemingly never-ending bad global economic news. Overseas markets have put a strain on Canada even though we are more stable, economically, than most other countries in the world.   Crystal balls are in short supply resulting in increased skepticism and general feeling of Is this downturn […]

Financial Resolutions for 2013

Give your finances a boost this new year. Here is a list of financial resolutions to help you become better off at the end of the coming twelve months:   Eliminate personal debt. – Brad and Angie had fallen into the very common habit of buying lots of ‘stuff’ with their credit cards and soon […]

Home Ownership Can Be Less Taxing Than You Think

Front lawns across Canada are sprouting For Sale signs. That this annual phenomena occurs at about the same time as the tax refund season may be purely coincidental. Understanding the financial incentives for home ownership available in the Income Tax Act may save you thousands when buying a home.   Home Buyer’s Tax Credit: First […]

RRSPs & TFSAs – What’s the Difference?

Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) were introduced in 2009 and they seem to be struggling to catch on. Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), however, have been around for over fifty years and attract billions of dollars of deposits each year. If you are serious about saving for your future, it is important to know the […]

An Ideal Opportunity to Improve Your Cash Flow

With so many doom & gloom news headlines, it is refreshing to know Canadians can still get very low fixed rate mortgages. A recent Financial Post article (March 9, 2012) explains that with big banks competing strongly for new mortgage business, now is a great time for Canadians to refinance their mortgages to improve personal […]

Government Benefits Can Boost Retirement Income

In a 2010 report to the Minister of Finance, it was found that approximately 160,000 Canadian seniors were not aware of the full range of benefits they were entitled to in their retirement years. In fact, nearly $1 billion in retirement benefits from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed […]

TFSAs: Flexible Wealth Building Strategy

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) was introduced in the February 2008 Federal Budget and became available January 1, 2009. It is touted by the Government of Canada as ‘the single most important personal savings vehicle since the introduction of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP).’   The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) draws a distinction between […]

The Income Tax Bond

Don, 65, and Marie, 63, are about to retire. They have accumulated about $500,000 in their RRSPs and own their home, free and clear. They want to leave as much as possible to their two children. Don and Marie realize that the value of their home should pass tax-free to their children and know their […]

Mortgage Rules Tightened

In an effort to crack down on speculators and to discourage people from taking on too much debt, Ottawa is tightening mortgage rules again. These new rules are expected to take effect April 19, 2010.   There is growing concern that the housing market in Canada may be overheating. Finance Minister Jim Flaherty stresses that […]

Tax-Free Savings Plans

When Sophia first heard the term Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA), the first thing that came to her mind was a low- or no-interest account at a bank. She soon learned that just about every investment option available to her in an RRSP is also available to her in a TFSA plan.   Glenn, 58, is […]

Can You Spot a Ponzi Scheme?

On June 29, 2009, Bernard Lawrence ‘Bernie’ Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison for perpetrating what has been called ‘the largest investment fraud in Wall Street history.’ Actual losses have been estimated at $64.8 billion by prosecutors. Apparently, Madoff admitted to his sons that his company, Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, was […]

Proposed Changes to the Canada Pension Plan

On May 25, 2009 Finance Canada announced some proposed changes to how Canada Pension Plan will work.   If approved, the changes will take effect over a period of time from 2011 to 2016, so they will affect anyone planning to retire after 2010.   Below is a brief summary of some of the most […]

Is a Reverse Mortgage the Way to Go?

Ralph and Louise have seen the TV commercials featuring Gordon Pape, the financial author, as the spokesman for Canadian Home Income Plan Corp. (CHIP) reverse mortgages. They were wondering if it would be a good way to go to help ease their current financial situation.   A reverse mortgage is simply an advance on the […]

Cooler heads will prevail

The newspaper headlines read: ‘Roller coaster stock markets have investors feeling queasy’ (The Globe and Mail; ‘The stock market crash: History repeating itself?’ (The Calgary Herald); ‘Uncertainty continues to pummel stock markets’ (Sudbury Star); ‘The next market boom may be a lifetime away’ (Financial Times). Interestingly enough, these headlines are from November 2002. One year […]

Great Depression 2.0?

It’s been a long and volatile quarter in the financial world. Markets are taking most investors on a wild and sometimes frightening ride, the news about corporate failures and bailouts is confusing and the economic news is almost certainly disheartening.   As some in the media eagerly seek to assign blame for the current stock […]

A great new opportunity

The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) was introduced in the February 2008 Federal Budget and will be available January 1, 2009. It is touted by the Government of Canada as ‘the single most important personal savings vehicle since the introduction of the Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)’ in 1957. As always, there are some rules:   […]

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit

Roger and Linda are approaching their retirement. With continuing volatility in the markets, they are concerned about what effect a market downturn in the few years leading up to or just after retirement would have on their income. They also think that GIC investments would not protect their retirement income very well from inflation.   […]

How to Care

Our parents raised us; we moved out, had children of our own and raised them. Then our children moved out and had children of their own to raise. It was supposed to stop there for us, but then one day we had to look after one or both of our parents.   According to a […]